From My Life to Yours

The life and teachings of Monsignor Luigi Giussani, thinker and educator who, with his faith, has inspired people around the world

The exhibit presents in a few panels the fundamental traits of Fr. Giussani, with images and significant passages of his life.

Guided tours available upon request.

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From my first day of teaching, I always said, “I’m not here so that you can take my ideas as your own; I’m here to teach you a true method that you can use to judge the things I will tell you. And what I have to tell you is the result of a long experience, of a two-thousand-yearold history.” We have been careful to respect this method throughout our efforts to educate and tried to clearly explain the reason for the method: to demonstrate the relevance of faith to answer life’s needs. Through my education at home and formation in seminary, and later through my own meditation, I was thoroughly persuaded that a faith that could not be found or confirmed in present experience, that was not useful to its needs, would not be a faith capable of standing up in a world in which everything, everything, says the opposite. This opposition was so deep that, for a long time, even theology became a victim of the diluting of truth.
~Luigi Giussani, The Risk of Education

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