Sunday, February 16, 2025
2:00 PM ET | Pavilion Auditorium

Awakening Curiosity

A conversation on the aims, content, and methods of education in the U.S. with Holly Peterson, Assistant Superintendent for Academics, Diocese of Columbus, and David Steiner, Executive Director of the Johns Hopkins Institute for Education Policy moderated by Rev. Earl Fernandes, Bishop of Columbus, Ohio

As this year’s Encounter theme highlights, the break with the past in the name of a better future has caused a progressive utilitarian reduction of education. Rather than handing down a common heritage and awakening curiosity, education has been constrained to the development of skills to secure a well-paid job. This impoverishment calls for a renewal of the goals, content, and methods of education. Both speakers will address these issues. Dr. Steiner spent his entire career studying and developing education policies, while Dr. Peterson is familiar with the pedagogical method proposed by Fr. Luigi Giussani, one of the greatest educators of the last decades.