Sunday, February 16, 2025
4:15 Pm ET | Pavilion AuditoriuM
What We Do and Do Not Know
A presentation on global warming and climate change with Kerry Emanuel, Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and David Romps, Professor of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, moderated by Massimo Robberto, Branch Lead of the Near-Infrared Camera of the James Webb Space Telescope
Modern men and women seem to have a hard time submitting reason to the evidence, or lack thereof, coming from reality. Even the natural sciences are affected by politicization and ideological thinking, and this is particularly manifest in the way a phenomenon so complex and multifaceted, like climate change, is often treated. It is very difficult for non-specialists to get a balanced assessment of what is and what is not certain from a scientific perspective. In their long career in science, both speakers have developed a deep expertise in global warming and climate change, and they will share their knowledge on such relevant issues.