Giorgio Vittadini


President, Foundation for Subsidiarity. Professor of Statistics, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy

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Giorgio Vittadini is the Founder and President of the Foundation for Subsidiarity (Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà), in Milan, Italy, which conducts research projects, editorial and publishing activities, conferences and seminars, provides educational and training programs, and it is also the editor of the online newspaper

He is a Professor of Statistics in the Statistical Department at the University of Milan Bicocca. The principal areas of Dr. Vittadini’s statistical work are: Multivariate Analysis, Structural and Latent Variables Models, Evaluation Problems in the field of Public Utility Services (with particular reference to education and health) and Human Capital Estimation.

He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Interuniversity Research Center for Public Utility Services (C.R.I.S.P.) that he launched and directed from 1997 to 2005.

He is a member of the Italian Society of Statistics, the American Statistical Association and the International Statistical Institute.
His scholarly works have been published in national and international scientific journals.

He is a member of the board of The Meeting for Friendship Among Peoples (Meeting per l’Amicizia tra i Popoli), an annual, week-long cultural festival held each August in Rimini, Italy, that sees 1 million visitors, and has been called one of the most significant cultural events in Europe.

In 2005, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs awarded Giorgio Vittadini with the Gold Medal Award for the Promotion of Italian Culture Abroad.

Dr. Vittadini has published and edited several books, published in journals and in the main Italian newspapers on social and economic themes, particularly regarding subsidiarity, human capital, welfare, and non-profit organizations.

In 1979, Giorgio Vittadini graduated with honours in Economics at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, Italy, and was the 10th recipient of the Gemelli Award for the best graduate of the year. In 1986 he completed his doctoral research in Methodological Statistics at the University of Trento.