Javier Prades — New York Encounter

Javier María Prades López

Javier Prades

Degree in Law from the Autonomous University of Madrid (1982). PhD. in Theology, Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome (1991).  Priest of the Diocese of Madrid (1987) where he is a member of the Consulting College, of the Priestly Council   and the Diocesan Pastoral Council. Member of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation. 

Scholar of the Oriol-Urquijo University Foundation and later its President from 1990 to 1998. Founding member of the “Universitas.Association for Teaching and Research”.  

Professor of Systematic Theology I in the School of Theology of the “San Dámaso Ecclesiastical University (UESD)”. Current President of the UESD. Fr. Prades Lopez has been Director of the Revista Española de Teología (Spanish Review of Theology) from 2000 to 2012.  Member of the Science Committee or the Science Consulting Council of the journals:  Oasis, International Catholic Journal, Communio, Humanitas, Theology and Catechesis, Atlantide, Scriptorium Victoriense.  

Member of the International Theological Commission, and specialist for the Evaluation of Ecclesiastical Universities of AVEPRO (Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties of the Holy See). 

Author of the following books: “Deus Specialiter Est In Sanctis Per Gratiam”. The Mystery of the In-Dwelling Of the Trinity In The Writings of Saint Thomas (Rome,1993). God Has Saved the Distance (Madrid 2003) “Communicatio Christi”. Reflexions of Systematic Theology (Madrid 2004). Reason: Enemy of the Mystery? (Madrid 2007). Nostalgy of Resurrection: Reason and Faith in the West (Siena, 2007). West: The Inescapable Encounter (Siena, 2008).  Man Beyond Himself (Madrid, 2012). Giving Witness: The Presence of Christians in a Pluralistic Society (Madrid 2015).  

Co-Author with L. Giussani and S. Alberto of Generating Traces In the History of The World (Milan 61998). Co-Author with A. Scola and G. Marengo of Manual of Theological Anthropology (Milan 22006).  

Editor or Co-Editor of the following books: Human Sciences and Society: The Oriol-Urquijo Foundation (1953-1993) (Madrid 1993). Man and God in Society At The Turn of the Century (Madrid 1994). “Reason that Believes”. Minutes of the International Congress about the “Fides et Ratio” Encyclical (Madrid 2002). The Mystery Through The Forms (Madrid 2002). “In communione Ecclesiae”. Papers in Homage to His Excellency Monsignor Antonio Mª Rouco Varela (Madrid 2003).  The Voice That Lies Beneath The Voices (Madrid 2003). Hope In A Globalized World (Madrid 2004). Nation And Nationalism. Contributions To A Diaglogue (Madrid 2004). In Search of The Father (Madrid 2005) Educating In The Truth (Madrid 2006) God Is Love (Madrid, 2009). The Challenges of Multiculturalism (Madrid, 2009). The Reason Of Hope (Madrid, 2010). Sufficit Gratia Tua. Papers In Honor of Cardinal Angelo Scola For His 70th Birthday (Venezia, 2012). 

Author of  79 essays  on  theological subjects published in specialized national and international journals as articles (Spanish Journal of Theology, Salmanticensis, Scripta Theologica, International Catholic Review Communio, Revue Catholique Internationale Communio, Revista Católica Internacional Communio, Revue Théologique des Bernardins, Cathechetical Update, Il nuovo Areopago, Oasis, Sacra Doctrina, Humanitas, Theology and Catechesis, Euresis, The New Europe, Journal of Sociology and Theory of Religion, Almogaren, Scripta Fulgentina, Anthologica Annua) or as chapters in joint works  published by Spanish or International Presses (Ediciones San Dámaso, BAC, McGill, Burns & Oates, Eerdmans, Lateran University Press, Palabra, EOS Verlag, Cantagalli, Encuentro, Marietti, Librería Editrice Vaticana, Marcianum Press, Planeta, Eunsa, Eupress FTL, San Pablo, EDUS-ESC, Parole et Silence, San Esteban,  PPC, Monte Carmelo, Guillermo Escolar).

Writer of 95 forewords, introductions and  press articles for the media such as  El Mundo, ABC, www.jotdown.es, Alfa y Omega, L’Osservatore Romano, www.paginasdigital.es; www.ilsussidiario.net, www.oasiscenter.edu.it.

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