Ergon Professional Corner

The Ergon Professional Corner is a space on the second floor of the New York Encounter to speak about our work interests and connect with other professionals.

At the 2022 New York Encounter, Ergon has invited professionals from different fields who will share their career experiences. The meetings are designed to be short and interactive. All meetings will be on the second floor of the New York Encounter.


2:00 PM 

Does work make us more Christian?
A conversation on how faith impacts working for a large multinational corporation
Alessandro Ventura, CIO and VP Analytics and Business Services for North America at Unilever

→ 4:00 PM 

How to start and run your own business
A Conversation with Elisa, entrepreneur and founder of Futurely, a digital career counseling platform for high school students
Elisa Piscitelli, CO-founder of Futurely. Forbes Under 30

→ 6:00 PM 

How I created a new school
Richard McPherson
, President, The Avalon School, Wheaton, MD


→ 2:00 PM

A conversation with Monica and Jennifer, wives, mothers, and full-time high school public teachers in the Boston area, on how they manage (or do not) to do it all.
Monica Canetta
, World Language High School Teacher, Medford High School, Medford, MA
Jennifer Kutcha, Modern Language Teacher, Boston Latin School, Boston, MA

→ 4:00 PM

Every day a new beginning - How working in sales has opened up Matteo to meeting new people and getting more creative
Matteo Tinti
, Regional Sales Manager, MEI System

What is Ergon?

Throughout the year, Ergon helps individuals with every aspect of their careers. Whether they are entering the workplace, breaking into a new industry, or finding a new job, participants share resources to empower others to evolve, learn, and grow together professionally. Our mission is to provide a community where professionals gather to unlock the potential of their careers.

Why Ergon? 

In today’s world, jobs are fast-changing and competitive. Navigating the job market, developing new skills, and climbing the career ladder can be complex and challenging. Ergon brings together professionals from various sectors at different stages of their careers for engaging and open discussions to facilitate growth and to build a meaningful work life. Ergon’s informal professional relationships offer a direct path for guidance and support.

For more information, contact